A community Dog Run is located at 4108 S. 18th Street near the northern edge of the Town of Wilson and the southern edge of the City of Sheboygan. It is free to use and is open every day from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. It is jointly administered by the Wilson Park & Forestry Commission (P&FC) and the City of Sheboygan Division of Parks & Forestry (DP&F).. The Dog Run area is located on a capped landfill, owned by the Town of Wilson. It is entirely within the Sheboygan City Limits and that’s why the Dog Run is jointly administered by the two governmental units. The Sheboygan Police Department responds to and oversees safety issues within the Dog Run. Dogs are required to be licensed and users are required to pick up their dog's waste and dispose of it in the trash receptacles provided. Rules for the use of the dog run are posted at the entrance.
Dog Exercise Area Rules
Dogs in the Dog Run must be collared and have an attached valid license and rabies vaccination tag. Dogs must be on a leash while outside the Dog Run and owners must carry the leash (one for each dog they bring) while the dogs are running in the facility. When off-leash, dogs must be “under voice command” at all times. If your dog does not respond to your commands, you must re-leash the dog, even while in the Dog Run facility. You are prohibited from bringing vicious dogs into the facility.
Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
Law enforcement for the Dog Run is provided by the City of Sheboygan, as the entire exercise area falls within the City limits. If you have any safety concerns with any rules violations, you can contact the Sheboygan County Public Safety Communications Center at 920-459-3111.
If you have trouble with a dog or its owner, and are comfortable talking it out, feel free to do so. If you are not comfortable approaching the dog or owner, consider leaving the exercise area. If you feel the situation merits intervention by law enforcement professionals, contact the City of Sheboygan Police Department.
Limitations on Maintenance and Improvements
Due to the facility being located on a capped landfill, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) regulations govern several aspects of the Dog Run use. As a result, all decisions regarding the administration, maintenance, and improvements to the Dog Run must comply with the WDNR “Closure Plan.” These regulations include, but are not limited to: the depth, composition, and condition of the cap soil, the type and depth of grasses planted to protect the soil, the frequency of mowing the grasses, the condition of the vents, and the absorption and flow of rainfall and snowmelt. Most of the Dog Run is comprised of the landfill cap.
The landfill cap may not be penetrated to erect fencing or buildings. The pond area near the west edge of the Dog Run may not be filled nor drained because they constitute part of the site drainage plan. This prevents the Town of Wilson from constructing a fenced off area for smaller dogs and fencing off the pond area to prevent dogs from entering. The Closure Plan states the landfill must be mowed twice annually, a task done by the Wilson Maintenance Department. If grass growth conditions warrant, additional mowing is performed. Grass depth can vary and is not to exceed 20”. Shorter grass can usually be found on the northern edge of the Dog Run.
The Sheboygan DP&F has provided the port-a-potty, tables, benches, and trash receptacles. Patrons have supplied the plastic jugs and bowls for water for the dogs who visit the Dog Run.
If you have any additional questions or comments relating to the dog park you can call the Town of Wilson office at 920-208-2390 Monday through Thursday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
Is there a pothole that you would like to see fixed? Or a city tree that needs to be trimmed?