The City of Sheboygan Department of Public Works (DPW) Snow Preparation Plans

Categories: Garbage & Recycling, Streets & Sanitation

Weather forecasts are calling for a winter storm beginning Friday, January 10, 2020 and ending early Sunday morning. Snow is also forecasted for Sunday evening into early Monday morning. Forecasts are calling for anywhere from seven to 10 inches of snow. Freezing rain is expected as early as 9:00 p.m. this evening. Wind gusts of up to 44 miles per hour will also cause blowing and drifting of snow.

The City of Sheboygan Department of Public Works (DPW) has started preparing for this weather event.

Drivers started to anti-ice by applying liquid brine directly to the street on Friday morning. By applying the brine it will prevent the ice from forming a bond with the street.

Plow drivers are scheduled beginning at 9:00 p.m. Friday, January 10, 2020. Drivers will rotate in 12 hour shifts until Monday morning.

Drivers will focus on the main streets before moving into the neighborhood streets.

End loader tractors are scheduled to report on Saturday evening. The tractors will focus on cleaning up the dead ends and cul du sacs. However, with the high winds, tractor operators may have to be diverted to areas that are susceptible to drifting, such as Broughton Drive and Taylor Drive.

Please take into consideration when driving in inclement weather:

  • Reduce your rate of speed when driving in less than ideal conditions
  • Increase your following distance on wet and snow-covered roads
  • When driving in precipitation please put on your headlights
  • Please stay back a minimum of 75 feet from DPW snow and plow trucks
  • If you do not have to be somewhere, watch the snow fall from the indoors

The DPW appreciates everyone’s patience as the plow truck drivers work to clear the streets.

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