You may have heard that carts are coming to Sheboygan! For a very long time, residents have dealt with litter because plastic bags break at the curb or alley, large and sharp items rip bags, bags are too heavy and must be dragged to the curb or alley, and seagulls break apart the plastic bags. But, carts with lids for trash and recycling means these issues are no longer a problem. All trash and recyclable materials will be contained inside the cart.
In April 2019, the Sheboygan Common Council voted to put in place an automated trash and recycling program for Sheboygan. One of the biggest changes for residents will be using carts to manage trash and recycling.
Residents will no longer need to carry individual trash and recycling bags to the curb or alley for pick up. In the spring of 2020, residents will have two carts delivered – one for trash and the other for recycling.
On your collection day, simply roll carts to the edge of your driveway, curb, or alley. The collection truck’s driver will control the automated arm to pick up and empty the cart.
Recycling is seeing the most upgrades. Residents will no longer need to buy blue bags for recycling. Those materials get placed into the cart on their own throughout the week. Please do not put any plastic bags in the recycling cart.
Recycling collection will also change to every other week. To get the most space out of the carts, break down and flatten cardboard. Be sure no materials are bagged.
Throughout the next year, the City will be hosting meetings and sending out communications. This is to reach as many residents as possible and inform them when the changes will be happening.
Is there a pothole that you would like to see fixed? Or a city tree that needs to be trimmed?