Bike Infrastructure

bike map key

Getting Around by Bicycle

Bicycling is a great way to get around Sheboygan. Several local government agencies, nonprofits, and businesses teamed up to create a map illustrating bicycle routes through the City of Sheboygan for people with varying preferences when it comes to riding in traffic. The map includes our on-street bicycle network, the trail system, and a breakdown of other streets conducive to more comfortable riding.

Bikes on Buses
: Taking your bike on board Shoreline Metro is economical and easy and is an exciting way to incorporate multiple modes of transportation into one! Shoreline Metro buses are equipped with bike racks at the front of each bus. Up to two (2) bikes can be accommodated on each rack, and there is no additional fee or permit required for you to use the bike racks. For bus route information visit: Find Your Bus or more information on Bikes on Buses visit: Shoreline Metro Bike Racks or the Bikes on Buses Info Sheet.

In 2018, the City of Sheboygan was named a Bronze level Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists joining 464 visionary communities from across the country. The five levels of the BFC award – diamond, platinum, gold, silver, and bronze, plus an honorable mention category and a no designation level – provide a clear incentive for communities to continuously improve. The League of American Bicyclists provides feedback and guidance to every applicant community, regardless of award designation, with the goal of helping every community to improve. Awarded communities must renew their status every four years to ensure that they not only maintain existing efforts, but also keep up with changing technology, national safety standards, and community-driven best practices.

For more information visit:

Bike Rack Program

The City of Sheboygan Bike Rack Program installs bike racks in the public right-of-way to encourage ridership by providing convenient locations to lock bikes on a short-term basis. This project is part of the City’s effort to create a Complete Streets Program. The Complete Streets Program will create a vision for a comprehensive bicycling network that utilizes a variety of facilities such as trails, bike lanes, and other facilities. It will also make recommendations focused on making walking, bicycling, and other active modes of transportation for daily needs safer, more comfortable, and more convenient. The Bike Rack Program reflects the City’s efforts to serve the growing bicycling community and promote bicycling as a healthy recreational activity and environmentally friendly mode of travel.

When there is ample access to places to park bikes, people are more inclined to use them to go from place to place in the city – whether that be their home, place of work, or favorite local businesses.

  • Bicycle racks provide additional parking spaces which customers can use to patronize local businesses. Bicycle racks not only invite cyclists in, but they announce to potential cyclists and non-cyclist customers alike that the business supports sustainable values, an increasingly important factor for many consumers.
  • Studies have demonstrated that cyclists bring in more money to street level businesses. Therefore, secure bike parking is a must for physical storefronts. Commercial bike racks can help businesses increase their business value by providing easy and fast bike parking to customers.
  • Providing a safe and convenient location for employees to park their bikes can help encourage more employees to bike to work more often. Bike commuters are not only happier, more energetic, clearer- headed, and better at solving problems – they also take fewer sick days per year than non bicycle commuters.
  • Bicycle parking helps legitimize cycling as a transportation mode by providing parking opportunities equal to motorized vehicles.
  • By increasing bicycle riding, it may make it possible for some families to reduce the number of cars that they own. The more we reduce from transportation costs, the more disposable income residents will have to pour into the local economy.
  • Allowing individuals to integrate physical activity into their daily lives and/or commute, thereby enhancing time spent traveling to work, school, shopping, or exercise facilities.
  • Fostering a sense of community in both neighborhoods and workplaces through the intimate contact of bicyclists with their surroundings.
  • Reducing car traffic in neighborhoods, around schools and social centers.

Although bike rack locations must generally meet all the location criteria, exceptions can be made, and the Public Works Department may approve locations as exempt from one or more criteria on a case-by-case basis. The standard criteria are:

  • The property where the bike rack is to be located must be within the borders of the City of Sheboygan.
  • Bike racks must be installed on public right-of-way or public property.
  • Locations should be prominent, easily accessible, and in reasonably secure areas.
  • Racks to be installed shall be inverted U-racks, unless otherwise deemed appropriate
  • A 5’ pedestrian walkway on public right of way between the bike envelope, the expected area occupied by the rack and parked bicycles when full, and any obstructions must be maintained at all times.

Rack locations must maintain the following clearances from the bike envelope:

  • From the face of curb – 2’
    • From sign posts, light or traffic poles – 2'
    • From permanent street furniture that requires access, including benches, trash bins, and mailboxes – 5’
    • From above ground utilities, such as fire hydrants and traffic signal cabinets – 5’
    • From underground utility access points, such as utility vaults and manholes – 5’

    Locations are selected based on likely demand of a location, proximity to existing bike racks, and the location’s conformance to the guidelines. As each location is unique, each request will be evaluated by City staff on a case-by-case basis before being approved for a bike rack. Businesses requesting racks must meet with City staff to demonstrate the lack of feasible space on private property for a bike rack.

    In order to install racks efficiently, installations will be prioritized based on the likely demand of bike parking at each location and by geography, rather than in the exact order they are requested. Rack installation times can vary depending on the Department’s workload and funds available for the project each year. Locations may be approved and placed on a waiting list for installation.

    Width and length/dept requirements:

    Overall width needed is 2 feet per bicycle, same as for any well-designed rack. In the example below, for 4 bikes the minimum width needed is 96”, the same as for a rack with 4 individual spaces. There is no space savings with this rack design since you still need room to get bikes in and out without handlebar interference. The space length, or depth, when using inverted-U type racks will be longer than for other types of racks due to the variety of ways people may use these racks. Instead of 6 ft. you will need between 90” and 108” (7.5 - 9 ft.).

    The diagram below explains both the width and length/depth requirements:


    Get outside and bike around Sheboygan!

    City of Sheboygan businesses and residents are invited to request a bike rack in areas of the City where bicycle parking is needed.

    • Step One: Identify a location where bicycle parking is needed.
    • Step Two: Review the location criteria above to determine if the proposed location meets all the bike rack installation criteria.
    • Step Three: Complete the bike rack request for areas in need of bike parking.

    Request a Bike Rack

    Bike rack requests for installations on the public right-of-way can be submitted online using the form below. The City of Sheboygan is able to offer the 'inverted U' type racks.

    City staff will contact you and neighboring properties after a request is received to perform a needs assessment.


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